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Friday, September 12, 2014

All Work and Some Play

Work, work, work and when you are done, work some more.  Does that sound familiar to you? Many adults who have gone back to school while work have found it difficult to keep the fun things going in life while working and attending school.  It is important to make sure you allow some time for fun activities in your life for your family and for yourself as well.  Although it is very important that you stay focused on your school work, daily work and family, it is very easy to get consumed in those daily activities and not allow time for yourself to regain a daily fresh look on the tasks ahead of you.  Work can be very demanding with deadlines, reports, lazy co-workers, or even a overbearing supervisors.  To add to the stress of homework, exams, and essay papers to an already stressful life of work all these things can certainly drain a person's excitement about future goals.  Therefore, to stay focused in all three areas of life (work, school, and home), let's look at some ways to have inexpensive fun and still stay on task with the pressure of work and the stress of school.

Movie and Pizza Night

Pizza and a movie are an excellent way for the family to spend quality time together.  Whether you make a homemade pizza or order take out. Rent some fun family DVD's from Red Box.  Even make popcorn, and settle in for a night of movie watching.

Game Night

Have a family game night, break out the Xbox or Nintendo Wii, and challenge your family to a night of video games.  Or if Board games are more your speed then locate your retro Scrabble, Monopoly, or twister games and play the night away the old fashion way.

Enjoy a Football Game

It's that time of year again and football is here.  Enjoy a high school/college football game with the family. Maybe even drive to a professional football game that is being played nearby. Every is always up for a quick ride out of town for a change of scenery.

There are many fun ways to plan family fun days.  Check out this link for many fun local ideas!

However you choose to have fun, make sure you stay just as focused on having fun as you are about school and work.  It can sometimes be hard to put work, homework, and deadlines on the backburner but always allow time for your mind to regroup and reboot for another week of hard work and dedication.

1 comment:

  1. Great job - very useful information! I can so relate to all of this.
