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Monday, September 8, 2014

College Preparation

Whether you are returning to college or this is your first time attending, the thought of going or returning as an adult can be intimidating, but with the right tools and planning it is achievable. Many colleges offer a combination of class schedule options, including evening, weekend, and online courses, which makes it easier to find time to begin or complete your degree. 

Things to consider, if you are thinking about returning to college as an adult

Do your research:

  • Meet with an administration representative to discuss your course of study.
  • Check with the Finance Office for financial aid options.
  • If you have attended college previously, check with the college that you are considering to determine if they accept credit for prior learning.
  • If you are employed, check with your employer to determine if they offer education benefits that can help to cover the cost of your education.
  • Decide which course is best for you, online or class room programs.

Have a support system:

  • If you have young children, make arrangements to ensure that you have a sitter during the times you need to dedicate to studying.
  • Work with your supervisor to ensure that you will not have any scheduling issues as it relates to your class schedule.

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