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Thursday, September 11, 2014

Balancing Home, Work, and School

Returning to school can certainly be a challenge to the best of us who already have such a large roll to play at work and home and with the added stress of school can certainly turn into a balancing act that can easily become overwhelming.  

Here are a few great tips that you can use to help balance out the stress of work, school, and home:

  1. 1. Allow for some time to rest and relax.  It is okay to stop at some point and have a little fun and enjoyment with friends and family.  Finding at least 30 minutes in your busy day to maybe read your favorite book, watch your favorite television show, go online and chat with friends for a few minutes of the day so that your entire day is not totally consumed with work. 
  2. Keep papers and events for work, school, and home organized so that you can easily access them when going to school, work, or when studying at home.
  3. Make sure your schedule is doable with realistic goals to accommodate all three areas in your life.  You don't to have one area in your life that receives all of your attention where another area will go lacking.
  4. Find ways to relive stress in all areas.  Find time to spend with family and friends to maintain a healthy relationship and a healthy mind to be able to accommodate all three areas.  Dedicate time for homework and studying.  Remember that work is necessary to help cover expenses for home and school so make sure you give 100%.
  5. Don't procrastinate but make sure you allow plenty of time to get everything done. 

Stay focused and get it done! 

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